Friday, February 3, 2012

Measurement Introduction

We've had so much fun measuring over the past couple of weeks.  Here are a few activities we've done to enhance our understanding....

 First, our class created this great poster describing what we can measure and what we measure it with.  I had all of the supplies already our on the tables for the children to look at and refer too.  We went through the various materials and decided 'what' a particular object could measure.  We also discussed 'standard measurment' and using additional objects when measuring with 'non-standard measurement tools'. 

 I made sure to select some very light and very heavy objects for the students to compare. 
 Capacity was a little difficult for the students to understand, but after using these hands on materials, they really had a great grasp on the concept. 
 What boy doesn't love to use a  tape measure?


Now it's time to apply what we've learned about these tools!


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