Monday, August 27, 2012

Shiver Me Letters Pirate Hunt / Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Spin Off

One of my favorite activities of the year occurs on our second half day.  After reading Shiver Me Letters, A Pirate ABC by June Sobel, our secretary called down and alerted us that she had a very special, urgent message that we needed to come and get immediately.  After reading our 'message in a bottle' (a letter from Pirate Jack asking that we help find the letters that have escaped from the island), we got to watch an actual video of him pleading for help.  Various letters escaped from Chicka Chicka Boom Boom island, and were hidden all throughout our building.   They landed in the places that they knew they belonged, the P outside of the Principal's office, the C outside of the cafeteria, and so on.  
Check out some of these pictures of our crew during the hunt!

 Yo Ho Matey!!!   Here's our 1/2 of our crew.  On the top, from the left is Evan, Landon,Jolee, Naomi Kate, & David. On the bottom row, far left, we have Katie, Cameron, Brady, & Anna. 
 Anxiously listening to the letter we found inside the bottle.

 Bradey found another one!!  :)
 Here's the second half of our crew. On the top left is Katelyn, Hannah, Lola, Emma, & Jewel.  On the bottom row we have Cayden, Preston, and Kayden.
 Watching Pirate Jack's message on the computer. 
 Such a cute bunch.


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