Thursday, December 15, 2011

Elf on the Shelf and Wants and Needs

We named our Elf 'Buddy'


During December, we focused on wants and needs.  Here are some pictures of us finding, then sorting, items from various magazines.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Applesauce Cinnamon Ornaments

One of my favorite activities of the year!!!!
Today, the first day of December, we got to create our own applesauce and cinnamon ornaments.  This is an extremely easy and smelly good recipe.  Just dump a lot of cinnamon and slowly add dollops of applesauce until its the consistency of dough. Flatten it out, cut shapes using cookie cutters, and voila!  We used a straw to make the hole to thread the ribbon through.  Be careful to make these with lots of drying time to spare.  It can take up to a week and a half for the ornaments to dry.  You can use cloves, plastic beads, or glitter pens to decorate them if you choose. 
Here are some pics of the kiddos in manipulation stations.  One of the stations was at my teacher table making the ornaments. 

Shaving Cream Writing

Practicing writing letters, numbers, words, & drawing shapes can get a little boring using only a pencil.  We like to spice it up a bit in Room #10!  Shaving cream, sand, chalk, expo markers, fingers on backs, black legos, & rubber bands on geo boards can all be used for practice.